Thank you for donating to the 2019 auction!
If you are donating $300 to fulfill your family contribution, please type CASH in the Item Name box below and turn in your check to the school office.
If you are donating an item, experience, party, etc., please provide as much information as possible. You know your donation best, so ideally we would like to cut and paste your description into the auction catalog. If you have a picture you would like included, please email it to Jenn.
If you have an idea for a party, or would like to join in on hosting a party, please contact Jenn. If you need ideas for an auction donation, please contact the auction office and we will be happy to help you spend your money - we are always trying to put packages together and often need an item, gift card, restaurant certificate, etc. to complete the package.
Remember, item descriptions are due DECEMBER 14th. Yes, this is much earlier than in prior years because the auction is being held before Lent.
Registration will open in mid-January and we look forward to seeing everyone on March 2nd!